

Conference Theme: Harnessing Open, Distance and eLearning (ODeL) in a Post-Pandemic Educational Environment 

Date:     02 – 04 November 2022
Venue:   Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Windhoek, Namibia

Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences Auditorium ( Lower Campus)

 Abstracts are invited for the sub-themes herein described.

1.        Internet of Things (IoT) in ODeL

Role of Internet of Things technologies in teaching and learning in ODeL contexts Digital Learning 
Design: International Experience & Trends in ODeL  Exploring the shift from instructional design to 
learning design using digital learning environments.

2.        Inclusive Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Sustainable Development in ODeL

 How ODeL can support and enhance lifelong learning opportunities that are inclusive of previously 
excluded members of societies or marginalised learners.

3.        Promotion of Quality Assurance and Enhancement in ODeL.

Practices, methods and theories of quality assurance and enhancement in open, distance and 
eLearning contexts in pandemic and post-pandemic digital learning contexts.

4.         Applying Learning Analytics to Enhance Learning Design in ODeL

Role of data and learning analytics to inform, guide, monitor and evaluate learning design 
interventions and practices  in ODeL Digital Assessment Practices for Self-Directed Learning in 
Online and Blended Learning Contexts How digital assessment methods can be used to foster 
self-directed learning in blended and online learning settings.

5.        Open Practices for Supporting Rapid Online Learning Transitioning

How Open Education Practices and open educational resources (learning resources, learning design 
resources, policy resources) can support repaid transition to online and blended learning.

6.        Innovations in Teaching Practice in an ODeL environment

New approaches, pedagogies and research-informed practices suited to teaching in ODeL contexts in 
times of pandemic and beyond.

7.        The blurring boundaries between Distance and Face-to-Face education.

A critical appraisal of the melting boundaries between traditional classroom/ lecture-hall teaching 
and distance/ online learning.

8.         Synchronous and Asynchronous ODeL strategies for enhancing learning.

Tensions and opportunities offered by both synchronous and asynchronous teaching, and the 
pedagogical value provided by each.

 16 May 2022 First Call for Abstracts
 30 May 2022  Second Call for Abstarcts
 13 June 2022  Deadline for submissions of abstracts
 25 July 2022   Notification of acceptance
 30 September 2022  Submission of full papers
 02-04 November 2022   DEASA Conference


Submission Guidelines

Abstracts must be between 200 and 250 words, and shall include the following author(s) particulars:



Names of Authors

Institution Affiliation

e-mail Address


Typeface: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12
Spacing: 1.5

 Abstracts and papers should be submitted through the online registration form:  https://forms.gle/8WBUshibNRAeKujp9

 DEASA Conference Delegate Registration:

 ( all delegates, whether presenting a paper or not )



 Conference queries:

The Chairperson: DEASA Local Organising Committee
Tel : +26 46 120 64 906
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
WhatsApp: +26 48 520 64 906

Online Registration : 
 DEASA Members US$ 250 N$ 3 600 / R3 600
 Non-DEASA Members US$ 300  N$ 4 000/ R 4 000
 Students US $ 10 N$ 160 / R 160